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Kayaking Lessons in Colorado by Rocky Mountain Adventures

Colorado is all about exploring fun, no matter the season, mountains or wilderness area. Exploring what you never have, is what talks about fun. As a traveller, you emphasize more on exploring the new culture, new sort of challenges that not only satisfies your mind but as well as your mental and physical being. Colorado is a state, where you will get an opportunity to get most of it.
Why Kayaking in Colorado, with RMA?
Whitewater rivers, beautiful surroundings and an environment good to adventure, make it exciting for every adventurer. Outfitters, lakes and rivers, Colorado has everything needed to get kayaking and find thrilling whitewater adventure.
With Rocky Mountain Adventures, we provide you with kayak lessons, and also with the opportunity to learn the sport in a controlled environment and supportive atmosphere. They provide you with a lifetime of excitement, fun and exercise.
Kayak Roll Class
- Eskimo Roll offers classes that aim at teaching you important techniques and instructions primarily focus on the ‘C’ to ‘C’ and sweet rolls. The sessions include a one hour class in the classroom and two other classes consisting of 1.5-hour separate pool sessions.
During the winters the sessions are held at the Epic Pool, and during summer it is held at the nearby pond.
We provide you with private instructions. To register with us for the exciting Winter Sessions :
1. Setup account, register with the City of Fort Collins by clicking on — Fort Collins Recreator Registration.
2. After creating your account, go to the “Activity Search” or “Browser Activities”, and click on the link that states, “Aquatic”.
3. Enter the activity number, “201358”
4. Select the dates and checkout.
Below are the schedule about the classes and the costings.

Kayak Roll Tune- Up.
Do not understand the rolls and how it is to be done? Sign up for our tune-up sessions. The kayak lessons, held are for 1/2 hours in length and are designed to help you get a grip with the rolls. We also provide you with private instructions.
Below are the schedule about the classes and the costings.

On River Class
The instructional class works with the combination of moving water and rapids to ensure required time for learning and excitements. When talking about learning, we conclude it with the basics of boat handling and river safety, teaching you the skills about how to have a safe trip.
Below are the schedule about the classes and the costings.

Two Day Fast Track Class
Combination of kayak roll, paddling techniques and on-river instruction into one intensive class. Offering a two-day class on the Poudre River.
Below are the schedule about the classes and the costings.

Rocky Mountain Adventures, has been the source of joy for people since 1993.
They offer kayaking classes, fly- fishing classes and white river rafting adventures. A full rental program for the ones who believe in exploring all alone. They have three locations and four rivers, ready for you take charge on. The main retail store and office is located in Fort Collins at the corner of US. Convenient parking, bathrooms, a place to change.
You will also get a chance to meet their pigeon express. Choosing from a stressful adventure of travelling and hoping to get to the destination all by yourself, to a relaxing family boat on the upper Colorado fun.
Let’s get into one of the fun parts of this amazing trip.


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